Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Supreme Costuming

Hey, check out the incredible Doctor Strange costume I'll be wearing at Emerald City Comicon this weekend! By the Sibilant Spires of Seattle's Space Needle, there will be a Sorcerer Supreme at the Show!
Evelyn made the whole thing for me, using her Custom Gear skills.  And it looks great.
I added a little Photoshop Magic to the mix just to show off how cool the outfit is.
I hear Evelyn has a Scarlet Witch outfit in the works, so we should make a very mystical couple at the ECCC this year.

Evelyn has a few other Custom Outfits in the works for some lucky Geekery customers.  But I will leave it up to them how much or how little they want to show off here on the website.
You can get Custom Gear as well.  Just drop Evelyn a note and tell her what you have in mind.

See you at the show,
Jay "Sorcerer Supreme" Larsen

Thursday, February 21, 2013

One Week to Emerald City Comicon and Counting

Only a week until Emerald City Comicon 2013 here in Seattle WA.
It's going to be the biggest ECCC ever!
And I'm hoping that will be a good thing.
Because part of the joy of past ECCC's has been the intimate tone and accessibility of the artists and writers.
The Show has spread out to take on the whole Seattle Convention Center.
But tickets are selling out and crowds could be huge.
Let us all prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
In that spirit, and just for fun, LarsenGeekery presents:
The GARGANTUS Guide to Emerald City Comicon 2013!!!

Hey Ho, Let's Go!  Hope to see you there.
Here is a link to all the fun the LarsenGeekery Gang had at last year's ECCC.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Start the ECCC 13 Countdown...

Less than 3 weeks till Western Washington's biggest Comics and Geek Culture Event: Emerald City Comicon 2013 is March 1, 2, & 3 in Seattle!
Jay and Evelyn are ready to be there and ready to Geek Out!

How about you?  Who else is attending ECCC 13?
Of course, if Galactus wants to attend, nobody can really stop him!